Practical 1
Aim: data
exploration and visualization using mathematical and statistical tools.
This practical aim
to exploring and visualizing data with python or php or java language using
mathematical and statistical tools such as Tableau, Matplotlib and Seaborn and
following are the processes that is to be performed on the data:
CSV file
on it to clean data
mathematical and statistical techniques mean, mode, median, summation,
groupby and standard deviation using NumPy and Pandas library.
the relations and distributions of the data using Plot and Graph techniques.
Details of
dataset is downloaded from the UNdata (
1. Total Fertility Rate (Live births per
2. Average Income per person Total
population, both sexes combined (Income in thousands)
Step: 1:
Reading Dataset
First, apply following filters
before downloading the Fertility rate dataset:
years from 1950 to 2010.
all countries. (Default selected)
Apply following filters before downloading the Income Data:
the current filters (High-Income to Upper-middle-income countries).
years from 1950 to 2010.
all countries. (Default selected)
Here, the Jupyter Notebook is used to perform all the exploring,
cleaning and visualizing task using Python programming language.
Import all the following python
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
Read the dataset saved in current working directory.
df = pd.read_csv("UN_Fertility_Rate_Data.csv")
Country or Area |
Year(s) |
Variant |
Value |
0 |
Afghanistan |
2005-2010 |
Medium |
6.478 |
1 |
Afghanistan |
2000-2005 |
Medium |
7.182 |
2 |
Afghanistan |
1995-2000 |
Medium |
7.654 |
3 |
Afghanistan |
1990-1995 |
Medium |
7.482 |
4 |
Afghanistan |
1985-1990 |
Medium |
7.469 |
Step: 2: Explore the dataset.
or Area', 'Year(s)', 'Variant', 'Value'], dtype='object')
'2000-2005', '1995-2000', '1990-1995', '1985-1990',
'1980-1985', '1975-1980', '1970-1975', '1965-1970', '1960-1965',
'1955-1960', '1950-1955'], dtype=object)
df = df.rename(columns={'Country or Area':'Country','Year(s)':'Years','Value':'Rate'})
df = df.drop(['Variant'], axis = 1)
df2 = df
Country |
Years |
Rate |
0 |
Afghanistan |
2005-2010 |
6.478 |
1 |
Afghanistan |
2000-2005 |
7.182 |
2 |
Afghanistan |
1995-2000 |
7.654 |
3 |
Afghanistan |
1990-1995 |
7.482 |
4 |
Afghanistan |
1985-1990 |
7.469 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
3463 |
Zimbabwe |
1970-1975 |
7.400 |
3464 |
Zimbabwe |
1965-1970 |
7.400 |
3465 |
Zimbabwe |
1960-1965 |
7.300 |
3466 |
Zimbabwe |
1955-1960 |
7.000 |
3467 |
Zimbabwe |
1950-1955 |
6.800 |
3468 rows × 3 columns
df['Index'] = df.index
df = df.set_index(['Country','Index'])
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
a = a*289
df['Index'] = a
Step: 3: Plot the graph of Rate vs. Years.
df2 = df
sns.lineplot(y = df['Rate'], x = df['Years'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x55ddfa0>
Conclusion: This graph says that the fertility rate per woman is continuously decreasing over the years 1950 to 2010.
Step: 4: Pivot table
to make the Country as a Index, Years as column and Rate as a value.
Below is the graph of Fertility rate over the years 1950 to 2010 for the Afghanistan Country. It shows the bar for each 5 year span. It shows that from year 1950 till 1995 the fertility rate was almost constant but after that till year 2000 it increased slightly and than it is decreasing.
df2.loc[['Afghanistan']].plot(kind ='bar',figsize=(14,6))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at
Step: 5: Cleaning
the Dataset.
df3 = pd.DataFrame(
np.arange(24).reshape(2, 12),
columns=[('Rate', '1950-1955'), ('Rate', '1955-1960'),
('Rate', '1960-1965'), ('Rate', '1965-1970'),
('Rate', '1970-1975'), ('Rate', '1975-1980'),
('Rate', '1980-1985'), ('Rate', '1985-1990'),
('Rate', '1990-1995'), ('Rate', '1995-2000'),
('Rate', '2000-2005'), ('Rate', '2005-2010')])
df3.rename(columns='_'.join, inplace=True)
x = df3.columns
df2.columns = x
248 rows × 12 columns
Step: 6: Below is the graph of values of fertility rate for all countries for the year 1955-1960 vs. 1950-1955. It shows that ths scattering of the values are almost making 45degrees angle with both axes. It means that the regression lne of this graph has postive values and x and y has similar values. So, we can conclude that from year 1950-1955 to year 1955-1960 there is very slightly change or negligible change in the fertilty rate of the countries.
df2.plot(kind ='scatter',figsize=(14,6),x = 'Rate_1955-1960',y='Rate_1950-1955')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at
Step: 7: Below heat map is for the fertilty rate
values of first 10 countires of the dataframe over the years 1950-1955 to
df3 = df2.iloc[0:10, :-1]
sns.heatmap(data = df3, annot = True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at
Step: 8: Here we will create a new and main Data frame
of this practical and will name it as Data.
The Data dataframe will look as
X = df.Years.unique()
Data = df
Data = Data.pivot_table(index = 'Years',columns ='Country', values =['Rate'])
df3 = pd.DataFrame(
np.arange(496).reshape(2, 248),
columns=['Afghanistan', 'Africa', 'Albania', 'Algeria', 'Angola',
'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Argentina', 'Armenia', 'Aruba', 'Asia',
'Australia', 'Australia/New Zealand', 'Austria', 'Azerbaijan',
. . . .,
'Western Africa', 'Western Asia', 'Western Europe',
'Western Sahara', 'World', 'Yemen', 'Zambia', 'Zimbabwe'])
x = df3.columns
Data.columns = x
Step: 9: The Next is the most important graph.
This line graph is plotted where each line shows each country. The graph is for
the values of fertility rate from year 1950 to 2010. Here, all the countries
are shown by a light colour gray line. Some of the countries are highlighted.
From highlighted Countries, Yemen and Niger are poor countires. India, Brazil
and Spain are the average developing countries. All other highlighted can be
considered as rich countries.
m = Data.mean(axis = 1)
Data['World Average'] = m
for i in range(0,248):
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = Data[Data.columns[i]], x = Data.index, color='grey', alpha = 0.1)
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'India', x = Data.index, color = 'brown', label= 'India')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'Brazil', x = Data.index, color = 'green', label= 'Brazil')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'Niger', x = Data.index, color = 'purple', label= 'Niger')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'Yemen', x = Data.index, color = 'blue', label= 'Yemen')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'France', x = Data.index, color = 'orange', label= 'France')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'Sweden', x = Data.index, color = 'yellow', label= 'Sweden')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'United Kingdom', x = Data.index, color = 'pink', label= 'United Kingdom')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'Spain', x = Data.index, color = 'brown', label= 'Spain')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'Italy', x = Data.index, color = 'blue', label= 'Italy')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'Germany', x = Data.index, color = 'yellow', label= 'Germany')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'Japan', x = Data.index, color = 'purple', label= 'Japan')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'China', x = Data.index, color = 'brown', label= 'China')
sns.lineplot(data = Data, y = 'World Average', x = Data.index, color = 'black', label= 'World Average', linewidth = 5)
Conclusion: From this graph we can say
that the poor countries have more fertility rate. i.e. there are more number of
children per woman in poor countries. Average or Developing countries have
fertility rate between 3 to 6. And Rich countries have verry low fertility
Now, By plotting the world average of each countries
over this years, we can say that the line has decreasing curve. That means the
fertility rate for almost all countries have been decreasing from 1950 to 2010.
Part: 2:
Here we will read the
next dataset i.e. Average income per person.
Step: 1: Read the dataset of Average income per
person for all the countries over the years 1950 to 2010.
income = pd.read_csv('UN_Income_Data.csv')
Country or Area |
Year(s) |
Variant |
Value |
0 |
Afghanistan |
2010 |
Constant fertility |
29185.507 |
1 |
Afghanistan |
2009 |
Constant fertility |
28394.813 |
2 |
Afghanistan |
2008 |
Constant fertility |
27722.276 |
3 |
Afghanistan |
2007 |
Constant fertility |
27100.536 |
4 |
Afghanistan |
2006 |
Constant fertility |
26433.049 |
Step: 2: Explore the dataset and match the no of
countries with the previous dataset.
income = income.drop('Variant', axis = 1)
income = income.rename(columns = {'Country or Area' : 'Country', 'Year(s)' : 'Years', 'Value' : 'Income'})
imean = []
for item in np.split(income, 3477):
# print(item['Income'].mean())
IncomeCol = imean[0:3384]
# IncomeCol
country = income['Country'].unique()
x = [0]*282
for i in range(0,282):
x[i] = i
x = np.repeat(x, 12)
x = list(x)
Step: 3:
Aim of the Part 2 is that we want to see that does the
average income per person in a perticular countires affect the fertility rate
of that country or not.
Here we make a hypothesis of the result as follows:
The graph will be combination of line and scatter.
The Income of the countries will be represented as
line and fertility rate values will be represented as scatter points.
We want ot see the relationship between this two
Here we assume that both the graph will coinside on
each other.
It shows that the countries with high income per
person has low fertility rate and countries with low income has high frtility
So, we will
explore the dataset first:
avgincome = pd.DataFrame(zip(IncomeCol, x), columns = ['Income', 'Country'])
years = df['Years'][0:3383]
avgincome['Years'] = years
avgincome = avgincome.pivot_table(columns = 'Country',values = ['Income'], index = 'Years')
avgincome.columns = country
avgincome2 = avgincome
plt.figure(figsize = (14,7))
avgincome2 = avgincome2.T
avgincome2['mean'] = avgincome.mean()
Afghanistan 7.367917
Africa 6.140500
Albania 4.006667
Algeria 5.702917
Angola 6.938500
World 3.848667
Yemen 7.712500
Zambia 6.691667
Zimbabwe 5.898333
World Average 4.401196
Length: 249, dtype: float64
Step: 4: Next we will create a new dataframe
combining our two exisisting dataframes Data and avgincome. We will read it
from the below file:
new_df = pd.read_csv("UN_Combined_Data.csv")
reformed = new_df[new_df['Year(s)']=='1990-1995']
Country or Area |
Year(s) |
Value |
Income |
3 |
Afghanistan |
1990-1995 |
7.482 |
15757.5100 |
15 |
Africa |
1990-1995 |
5.724 |
699691.5748 |
27 |
Albania |
1990-1995 |
2.786 |
3130.6212 |
39 |
Algeria |
1990-1995 |
4.120 |
29234.7394 |
75 |
Angola |
1990-1995 |
7.100 |
15887.8532 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
3315 |
Vanuatu |
1990-1995 |
4.830 |
2664.3614 |
3327 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
1990-1995 |
3.250 |
10138.3074 |
3339 |
Viet Nam |
1990-1995 |
3.227 |
76.3872 |
3363 |
Western Africa |
1990-1995 |
6.395 |
41187.3072 |
3375 |
Western Asia |
1990-1995 |
4.036 |
8.8406 |
245 rows × 4 columns
Step: 5: We will now plot the graph of Income vs.
Value (i.e. Fertility Rate).
This is
includes regression line. We can derive results from the slope of the
regression line.
If the slope of regression line is Positive
then the relation between two variables is positive.(i.e. if one value
increases, another increases.) and vice-versa.
re2 = reformed1.sort_values(['Income'])
plt.figure(figsize = (14,7))
sns.regplot(data = re2, x = 'Income', y = 'Value')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at
Conclusion of the above graph:
From graph, we
can see that the slope of the regression line is negative. And so it proves
that Income and Fertility rate are inversely proportional. i.e. the countries
whose Income is high tend to have lower fertility rate and countries with low
income generally have high fertility rate.
Measures of central Tendancy:
def my_mean_fun(xyz):
my_sum = 0
for i in range(0, 12):
my_sum = my_sum + xyz.iloc[i]
Mean = my_sum / 12
print(my_sum / 12)
return Mean
my_mean = my_mean_fun(Data)
Afghanistan 7.367917
Africa 6.140500
Albania 4.006667
Algeria 5.702917
Angola 6.938500
Yemen 7.712500
Zambia 6.691667
Zimbabwe 5.898333
World Average 4.401196
mean NaN
Length: 250, dtype: float64
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at
Standard Deviation:
import math as math
def my_std_fun(xyz):
sq_sum = 0
std = []
for i in range(0,12):
diff = my_mean[i] - xyz.iloc[i]
sq_sum = sq_sum + diff*diff
var = sq_sum / 12
for i in range(0,12):
# std =
return std
my_std = my_std_fun(Data)
[3.532038474165607, 2.3819336693552855,
1.193136578140668, 2.1684070906460087, 3.2913903457332605, 1.6880082583353477,
2.0734038451802714, 1.7757598701174224, 1.7190840639995537, 1.0755802527976859,
2.3017676672716605, 2.2473502031868304]
new_data_std = my_std_fun(new_data)
new_data_df = pd.DataFrame(new_data_std)
def my_median(xyz):
Median = []
for i in range(0,12):
result = xyz.sort_values(xyz.columns[i], ascending=[1]).iloc[:,i][[125]]
return Median
my_data_median = my_median(new_data)
median_df = pd.DataFrame(my_data_median)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at
Quartile and Decile:
def percentile(n):
p = n * (251) / 100
pi = int(p)
result = new_data.sort_values('2000-2005', ascending=[1])
x = float(result['2000-2005'][[pi]])
y = float(result['2000-2005'][[pi+1]])
ans = x + (p - pi)*(y - x)
return ans
p = percentile(10)
print("p10 = D1 = ", p)
p = percentile(25)
print("p25 = Q1 = ", p)
p = percentile(30)
print("p30 = D3 = ", p)
p = percentile(50)
print("p50 = Q2 = ", p)
p = percentile(65)
print("p65 = ", p)
p = percentile(75)
print("p75 = Q3 = ", p)
p = percentile(90)
print("p90 = D9 = ", p)
p = percentile(99)
print("p99 = ", p)
p10 = D1 = 1.371
p25 = Q1 = 1.8415
p30 = D3 = 1.9469
p50 = Q2 = 2.645
p65 =
p75 = Q3 = 4.2145
p90 = D9 = 5.7984
p99 =
We have our
Data dataframe transposed to new_data dataframe as following.
We will find Pearsons coefficient of skewness
for our dataframe.
The equation for the Pearsons coefficient of skewness
SKp =
Now lets plot the
distribution plot for this data frame. We have also included mean, mode and
median lines in the graph.
plt.figure(figsize = (14,7))
mean = new_data_mean.mean()
median = new_data.median().median()
mode = new_data.mode().iloc[0].mean()
f, (ax_box, ax_hist) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw= {"height_ratios": (0.2, 1)})
sns.boxplot(new_data, ax=ax_box)
ax_box.axvline(mea, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_box.axvline(median, color='g', linestyle='-')
ax_box.axvline(mode, color='b', linestyle='-')
sns.distplot(new_data, ax=ax_hist)
ax_hist.axvline(mean, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_hist.axvline(median, color='g', linestyle='-')
ax_hist.axvline(mode, color='b', linestyle='-')
Conclusion: Here we can see
that the data is equally distributed on both the sides of mean. And it is
giving us Symmetric curve over the years 1950 to 2010.
But how is it being
this symmetric?
For that we will make distplot for different years.
To see the change over the years, we will plot same graphs for year
1950-1955, 1980-1985 and 2005-2010. Here the total years 60 is diveded into 3
First plot the graph for year 1950-1955 and see the tendency.
mean5055 = new_data_mean['1950-1955']
median5055 = 6.0
mode5055 = new_data['1950-1955'].mode().iloc[0]
f, (ax_box, ax_hist) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw= {"height_ratios": (0.2, 1)})
sns.boxplot(new_data['1950-1955'], ax=ax_box)
ax_box.axvline(mean5055, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_box.axvline(median5055, color='g', linestyle='-')
ax_box.axvline(mode5055, color='b', linestyle='-')
sns.distplot(new_data['1950-1955'], ax=ax_hist)
ax_hist.axvline(mean5055, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_hist.axvline(median5055, color='g', linestyle='-')
ax_hist.axvline(mode5055, color='b', linestyle='-')
plt.legend({'Mean': mean5055,'Median': median5055,'Mode': mode5055 })
Conclusion: From above graph we
can see that the tail of the graph is long towards the negative edge of the
x-axis. Also mean<median<mode
. So the graph is becoming negativey skewed.
We can say that during the years
1950-1955, the fertility rate of most of the countries were higher than mean
(because graph if higher to the right side of the mean and lower towards the
left side of the mean).
std5055 = new_data_std[0]
pearsoncoeff5055 = 3*(mean5055 - median5055) / std5055
Pearsons coefficient of skewness for 1950-1955 = - 1.4646796041034003
Now plot graph for the year 1980-1985
and see the tendancy.
mean8085 = new_data_mean['1980-1985']
median8085 = 4.23
mode8085 = new_data['1980-1985'].mode().iloc[0]
f, (ax_box, ax_hist) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw= {"height_ratios": (0.2, 1)})
sns.boxplot(new_data['1980-1985'], ax=ax_box)
ax_box.axvline(mean8085, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_box.axvline(median8085, color='g', linestyle='-')
ax_box.axvline(mode8085, color='b', linestyle='-')
sns.distplot(new_data['1980-1985'], ax=ax_hist)
ax_hist.axvline(mean8085, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_hist.axvline(median8085, color='g', linestyle='-')
ax_hist.axvline(mode8085, color='b', linestyle='-')
plt.legend({'Mean': mean8085,'Median': median8085,'Mode': mode8085})
Conclusion: From above graph we
can see that the graph is becoming symmetric. Also mean=median<mode
. Mean, median and mode are very less far from each other.
We can say that from 1955 to 1980, fertility rate of some of the
countries had started decreasing and so the negatively skewed graph started
moving to get equally distributed to mean. We can say that the countries were
50% - 50% divided on fertility rate > mean and fertility rate <
std8085 = new_data_std[6]
pearsoncoeff8085 = 3*(mean8085 - median8085) / std8085
Pearsons coefficient of skewness for 1980-1985 = - 0.9624275516198356
Now lets plot the graph for the year
2005-2010 (30 years after 1985) and see the tendency.
mean510 = new_data_mean['2005-2010']
median510 = 2.539
mode510 = new_data['2005-2010'].mode().iloc[0]
f, (ax_box, ax_hist) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw= {"height_ratios": (0.2, 1)})
sns.boxplot(new_data['2005-2010'], ax=ax_box)
ax_box.axvline(mean510, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_box.axvline(median510, color='g', linestyle='-')
ax_box.axvline(mode510, color='b', linestyle='-')
sns.distplot(new_data['2005-2010'], ax=ax_hist)
ax_hist.axvline(mean510, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_hist.axvline(median510, color='g', linestyle='-')
ax_hist.axvline(mode510, color='b', linestyle='-')
Conclusion: From above graph we
can see that the tail of the graph is long towards the positive edge of the
x-axis. Also mean>median>mode
. So the graph is becoming positively skewed from previously
symmetric over the years 1985 to 2010.
We can say that during the years 2005-2010, the fertility rate of most
of the countries have became lower than mean (because graph if higher to the
left side of the mean and lower towards the right side of the mean).
std510 = new_data_std[11]
pearsoncoeff510 = 3*(mean510 - median510) / std510
Pearsons coefficient of skewness for 1980-1985 = - 0.991976218080132
These three graph shows us the
transition of the fertility rate for all countries from more than mean to
become less than mean. And thats why the final graph (plotted first) is
becoming symmetric and having peaks on both sides of mean.
Explanation of code (
functions used in plotting ):
matplotlib library as plt.
seaborn library as sns.
Subplots to make it convenient to create common layouts to subplots,
including enclosing figure object, in a single cell. 1st argument: ncols,
nrows; 2nd argument: sharex = True (common x axis for both boxplot
and distplot); 3rd argument: gridspac_kw = to create the grid the
subplots are placed on.
Axvline argument: Add vertical line across the axes. Pass data as 1st
argument, can define colour, linewidth, linestyle etc.
plt.legend: to provide legend name to the variable plotted.
The reasons for change
Empowerrment of women (Increasing Access to education and increasing
labour participation)
Declining Child mortality
Rising cost of bringing up children
Conclusion: The width given to each country in this chart
corresponds to the share of each countrys population in the total global
population. This is why China and India are so wide.
From this we can say that ,,
Globally, the
fertility rate has been fallen to 2.5 childern per woman and low fertility
rates are the norm in most of the world.
The 65% of the
worlds population live in countries with the fertility rate below 3 childern
per woman.
We also see convergence
in fertility rates: the countries that already had low fertility rates in 1950s
only slightly decreased fertility rates further, while many of the countries
that had the highest fretility back than saw a rapid reduction of the number of
children per woman.
It took Iran
only 10 years for fertility rate to fall
from more than 6 children per woman to fewer than 3 children per woman. China
made this transition in 11 years before the introduction of the one-child
The speed with which
countries can make transition to low fertility rate has increased over time.
How long did it take for fertility rate to fall from 6 children per
woman to fewer than 3 children per woman.
Age of merrige of woman and Merital fertility rate
Country or Region |
Mean age at first marriage |
Births per married women |
Percentage never married |
Total fertility rate |
Belgium |
24.9 |
6.8 |
6.2 |
France |
25.3 |
6.5 |
10 |
5.8 |
Germany |
26.6 |
5.6 |
5.1 |
England |
25.2 |
5.4 |
12 |
4.9 |
Netherlands |
26.5 |
5.4 |
4.9 |
Scandinavia |
26.1 |
5.1 |
14 |
4.5 |
Children borm per woman, 2019
Birth rates:
Womans Educational Attainment vs. No of children per woman:
Number of children, by level of education of the mother, in countries
where women have on an average 5 or more children.
Fertility and female labour force participation:
Book: Alberto Cairo - The Functional Art_ An introduction to information
graphics and visualization (2012, New Riders)
Rate - Our World in Data